Semarang, the Bachelor of Nursing Study Program of the Department of Nursing held a national seminar on “Stroke Emergency and EWS Review in Nursing Care in Nervous System Patients” on Thursday, September 29, 2022.

The seminar was organized in the 5th Floor Hall of the Department of Nursing, FK Undip. The speaker was MG. Enny Mulyatsih, M.Kep, Sp.KMB, from the National Brain Hospital of Prof. Dr. dr. Mahar Mardjono Jakarta.

This seminar is a part of the effort of the study program to build and develop partnerships by organizing scientific dissemination for clinical supervisors or CIs from Undip network hospitals.

About 135 participants attended this seminar, which consisted of nurse representatives from Dr. Kariadi Hospital, Diponegoro National Hospital, Dr. Amino Gonodohutomo Psychiatric Hospital, Tugurejo Hospital, Roemani Muhammadiyah Hospital, St. Elisabeth Hospital, Panti Wilasa Citarum Hospital, dr. Gondo Suwarno Hospital Ungaran, Sultan Agung Islamic Hospital, and students of class B21 and class B22.

This seminar went on successfully; the participants were very enthusiastic and inspired to be able to provide nursing care to patients with stroke emergencies.