Semarang – The Department of Nursing at Faculty of Medicine Undip successfully conducted a national In House Training of Objective Structured Clinical Examination (IHT OSCE) on March 27-28, 2023 at the Undip Nursing Campus in Tembalang.

The event was attended by 50 participants, including nursing lecturers from Undip and representatives from affiliated practice sites such as RSJD Amino Gondohutomo RSUP Dr Kariadi Semarang, Diponegoro National Hospital, Tugurejo Regional Hospital, Ngesrep Community Health Center, Rowosari Community Health Center, Ngesrep Community Health Center, and Pudakpayung Community Health Center. The invited speaker was Dr. I Made Kariasa, SKp., MM., MKep., Sp.Kep.MB., who is a competency test manager at the AIPNI central board. The event was officially opened by the Head of the Department of Nursing, Dr. Anggorowati, M.Kep.,Ns.Sp.Kep.Mat.

The national OSCE is one form of evaluation used in nursing education to assess the clinical competence of students or prospective nursing personnel. OSCE was first introduced in the 1970s in the United Kingdom and has since become a popular method for objectively testing clinical skills. The National OSCE in nursing aims to assess the clinical competence of students or prospective nursing personnel in the context of realistic clinical situations.

OSCE is a clinical skills examination that uses realistic clinical case scenarios and situations to evaluate the clinical competence of students or prospective nursing personnel. The examination consists of a series of examination stations, where each station tests different skills and clinical knowledge in different contexts. Students or examination participants rotate through these stations and face different case scenarios within a predetermined time frame.

Each OSCE station usually consists of several components, such as patient or family interaction, performing nursing procedures, managing equipment and supplies, providing education to patients or families, and communicating with other healthcare team members. Assessment is usually done by trained and competent assessors in the field of nursing, and assessment is conducted objectively using pre-established assessment rubrics.

The IHT OSCE conducted by Undip is one of the means to improve the quality of nursing lecturers in evaluating learning outcomes in terms of cognitive, affective, and psychomotor aspects, developing their abilities, expanding their knowledge about national standards and OSCE implementation, and enhancing the quality of nursing lecturers in creating OSCE questions and assessments through rubrics.

Even though the IHT OSCE was held during the month of Ramadan in which the majority of participants were fasting, this activity went well and smoothly. This shows commitment and good cooperation from all participants in facing the challenges of limited time and maintaining the quality of activities. (AN)