Semarang – In order to welcome new students of the Bachelor of Nursing program, Undip organized a Stadium General event for nursing students on Monday, August 21, 2023. This event was held in the Auditorium on the 5th floor of the Nursing Building at Undip’s Tembalang Campus.

With the theme “Strengthening Motivation to Become a Professional Nurse,” the event was attended by all new students of the Bachelor of Nursing program and was opened by the Head of the Bachelor of Nursing Program, Mr. Agus Santoso, M.Kep. The Stadium General served as a significant moment for the students to experience the spirit and dedication required in the nursing profession.

The primary purpose of this Stadium General was to provide a clear overview of the nursing profession, instill ethical values in nursing practice, and encourage a high level of learning enthusiasm in achieving academic success and delivering quality service in the field of nursing. This activity marked the beginning that inspired new students to pursue their dreams in the nursing world, with the hope that they would be able to face the challenging academic journey with high spirits and determination, ultimately becoming quality nurses for society and the nation.

The main speaker at this event was Yayuk Setyowati, M.Kep., Ns., Sp.Kep.An, an experienced practitioner from the Dr. Kariadi Central General Hospital in Semarang. She provided valuable insights into the role of a nurse in public healthcare, professional ethics, as well as the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.

The extraordinary enthusiasm displayed by the new students who attended this Stadium General event was evident. They appeared highly eager to absorb the knowledge and motivation provided by the speaker, with the hope of becoming professional and dedicated nurses. [AN]