Semarang – To enrich the knowledge and skills of students, especially in the field of medical-surgical nursing, the Undergraduate Nursing Program at the Department of Nursing, Faculty of Medicine, Undip, organized a guest lecture on “Nursing Care for Stroke Patients” on Thursday, November 9, 2023.

The event, held in the Auditorium on the 5th Floor of the Nursing Building, Undip, Tembalang Campus, was attended by hundreds of undergraduate nursing students. The main speaker was Dr. I Made Kariasa, S.Kp, M.M., M.Kep., Sp.Kep.MB, a senior lecturer from the Faculty of Nursing, University of Indonesia, specializing in medical-surgical nursing.

The Head of the Undergraduate Nursing Program, Agus Santoso, S.Kp., M.Kep., officially opened the event. In his address, he emphasized the importance of guest lectures as an effort to enhance the competence of students as future professional nurses. He also highlighted the contribution of this activity to the achievement of Diponegoro University’s Key Performance Indicators (KPI) as a Legal Entity State Higher Education Institution in Indonesia.

In his presentation, the speaker provided a profound overview of nursing care for stroke patients. Some key points included the vital role of nurses in delivering holistic care, evaluating the physical, psychological, and social conditions of patients. The nursing team collaborates with medical and therapy teams, develops care plans, and educates patients and their families on post-stroke care. With a holistic approach, nursing care is expected to maximize recovery and improve the quality of life for patients.

Moreover, the lecture delved into the intriguing topics of vertigo and stroke. Vertigo is a sensation of dizziness or imbalance that can be related to disorders in the balance system in the inner ear or the brain. In some cases, vertigo can be a symptom of a stroke, especially if caused by ischemia or insufficient blood flow to specific areas of the brain. However, vertigo can also result from various factors, and not all cases are related to strokes. If someone experiences vertigo or stroke symptoms, seeking immediate medical assistance is crucial to receive proper treatment.

The engaging topics presented by the speaker created a dynamic lecture atmosphere with active participation from the attendees. The seriousness and enthusiasm of the participants were evident throughout the event. [AN]