
The curriculum applied in the Undip’s Nursing Undergraduate Study Program is a competency-based curriculum. The development of this curriculum has been adapted to the vision and mission of the institution which characterizes the uniqueness of the institution and local content in accordance with the advantages of the institution.

The Bachelor of Nursing program uses an independent campus-based curriculum platform and independent learning to develop a new curriculum to anticipate the needs of today’s globalization. The distribution of courses and the number of credits in the curriculum is as follows:

Semester 1
1 DIP21201 Teori dan Falsafah Keperawatan 3 [GBPP][SAP]
2 MPK 102 Kewarganegaraan 3 [GBPP][SAP]
3 MPK 302 Pancasila 2 [GBPP][SAP]
4 KUP21202 Pengembangan profesionalism 3 [GBPP][SAP]
5 KUP21205 Komunikasi 4 [GBPP][SAP]
6 KUP 21200 Caring 3 [GBPP][SAP]
7 KUP21203 Keperawatan Holistik 1 3 [GBPP][SAP]
8 MPK 103 Bahasa Indonesia 2 [GBPP][SAP]
Semester 2
1 MWU 108 Olah raga 1 [GBPP][SAP]
2 MWU 109 Kewirausahaan 2 [GBPP][SAP]
3 MPK 101 Pendidikan Agama 2 [GBPP][SAP]
4 KUP21211 Bahasa Inggris I 4 [GBPP][SAP]
5 MWU 110 Teknilogi Informasi 2 [GBPP][SAP]
6 KUP21209 Pendidikan Kesehatan 3 [GBPP][SAP]
7 KUP21213 Ilmu Dasar Keperawatan 1 (IDK 1) 4 [GBPP][SAP]
8 KUP21214 Ilmu dasar Keperawatan 2 (IDK 2) 3 [GBPP][SAP]
Semester 3
1 KUP21206 Transkultural Keperawatan 3 [GBPP][SAP]
2 KUP21212 Bahasa Inggris 2 4 [GBPP][SAP]
3 KUP21233 Menajemen Keperawatan 1 3 [GBPP][SAP]
4 Mata Kuliah Elektif 1 3 [GBPP][SAP]
5 KUP21210 Masalah Kesehatan Global 2 [GBPP][SAP]
6 KUP21207 Proses Keperawatan dan Dokumentasi Keperawatan 3 [GBPP][SAP]
7 KUP21208 Konseling Keperawatan 2 [GBPP][SAP]
8 KUP21217 Keselamatan Pasien dan Kesehatan Kerja 2 [GBPP][SAP]
Semester 4
1 KUP21215 Kebutuhan Dasar Manusia 1 4 [GBPP][SAP]
2 KUP21218 Keperawatan Medikal Bedah 1 4 [GBPP][SAP]
3 KUP21222 Keperawatan Maternitas 1 3 [GBPP][SAP]
4 KUP21220 Keperawatan Anak 1 3 [GBPP][SAP]
5 KUP21224 Keperawatan Jiwa 1 3 [GBPP][SAP]
6 KUP21226 Kep. Gawat Darurat dan Kritis 1 3 [GBPP][SAP]
Semester 5
1 KUP21229 Keperawatan Paliatif 3 [GBPP][SAP]
2 KUP21227 Kep. Gawat Darurat dan Kritis 2 2 [GBPP][SAP]
3 KUP21219 Keperawatan Medikal Bedah 2 3 [GBPP][SAP]
4 KUP21223 Keperawatan Maternitas 2 2 [GBPP][SAP]
5 KUP21221 Keperawatan Anak 2 2 [GBPP][SAP]
6 KUP21225 Keperawatan Jiwa 2 2 [GBPP][SAP]
7 KUP21204 Keperawatan Holistik 2 4 [GBPP][SAP]
8 KUP21219 Kebutuhan Dasar Manusia 2 3 [GBPP][SAP]
Semester 6
1 KUP21231 Keperawatan Keluarga 3 [GBPP][SAP]
2 KUP21232 Keperawatan Komunitas 4 [GBPP][SAP]
3 KUP21230 Keperawatan Gerontik 3 [GBPP][SAP]
4 KUP21234 Manajemen Keperawatan 2 2 [GBPP][SAP]
5 KUP21228 Keperawatan Bencana 2 [GBPP][SAP]
6 Mata Kuliah Elektif 2 3 [GBPP][SAP]
Semester 7
1 KUP21236 Statistika 2 [GBPP][SAP]
2 KUP21237 Riset Keperawatan 4 [GBPP][SAP]
3 KUP21235 Praktik Klinik Keperawatan 5 [GBPP][SAP]
4 MWU 411 KKN 3
Semester 8
1 KUP21238 Skripsi 4 [GBPP][SAP]
MK. Elektif
1 KUP21500 Komunikasi Bisnis [GBPP][SAP]
2 KUP21501 Hukum Kesehatan [GBPP][SAP]
3 KUP21502 Psikologi Klinis-Sosial [GBPP][SAP]
4 KUP21503 Interaksi Nutrient, Obat dan Subtansi Lain [GBPP][SAP]
5 KUP21504 Bahasa Arab [GBPP][SAP]
6 KUP21505 Bahasa Mandarin [GBPP][SAP]