
The nursing education program at Diponegoro University was first established in 1998 in the form of the D-IV Nurse Educator program. The program was established as a form of Undip’s response and responsibility to the very high demand from the community, especially in Central Java for nursing education. The program was held for three batches from 1998 – 2000. The program was then closed after the issuance of Decree of the Directorate General of Higher Education, Ministry of Education and Culture No. 427/DIKTI/Kep/1999 concerning the implementation of the Bachelor of Nursing Program.

Thus, the Bachelor of Nursing (S1) Study Program at Diponegoro University was officially opened in 1999 based on the Decree of the Directorate General of Higher Education, Ministry of Education and Culture No. 427/DIKTI/Kep/1999 dated October 7, 1999. Some of the pioneers in the opening of this program were Prof. Dr. dr. I. Sudigbia, Sp. A (K) (Head of Programme), Purwanto S. Wardoyo, SKM, MSc, Meidiana Dwidiyanti, S.Kp., MSc, Prof. Bowo, dr. Soejoto, Sp.KK (K), and Sri Ismiati Sudomo, BSc.

The teaching and learning process for the undergraduate nursing program was initially held on the Gunung Berintik campus, at the Undip’s Faculty of Medicine campus on Jl. Dr. Soetomo, Semarang. However, due to the increasing number of students and the need for facilities, the campus was moved to Tembalang mainly in the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences for several years. In 2011, the Bachelor of Nursing (S1) Study Program has occupied its own campus which is located in Tembalang.

The undergraduate nursing program accepts high school graduates to undergo nursing education to become professional nurses. The program is held for 8 semesters with a total of 145 credits with a Bachelor of Nursing (S.Kep) degree. Graduates of this program will then take the Nursing Profession (Ns.).

The Bachelor of Nursing Program has received the latest accreditation from the Independent Accreditation Institute for Health Colleges in 2021 with an “Excellent” accreditation value. This is in accordance with the Decree of LAM-PT Kes Number 0361/LAM-PTKes/Akr/Sar/X/2021 and is valid until September 9, 2026.