
The admission of new students of the Bachelor of Nursing Study Program is regulated and organized centrally by the university through the Education Quality Assurance and Development Institute (LP2MP) of Diponegoro University.

New student admission guidelines are regulated in the Procedure Manuals (MP) and the Decree of the Rector of Diponegoro University Number: 37/UN7.P/HK/2018 concerning Standard Operating Procedures for New Student Admissions at Diponegoro University.

The admission is carried out through four modes, namely the Selection of Excellent Potential Students from Achievement (SBUB), the National Selection for Higher Education Admission (SNMPTN), the Joint Selection for State University Admission (SBMPTN), and the Undip’s Independent Selection (UM). The percentage of admissions through these various modes calculated from the total new student admissions is determined by the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education. The requirements and procedures for new students admission can be further found on the following website: