Semarang – The Bachelor of Nursing Study Program, Department of Nursing, Faculty of Medicine, Undip, held a guest lecture on the Secret of Back Acupressure in Detecting Health Problems and Their Solutions on Thursday, September 15, 2022.

This lecture was carried out offline in the 5th Floor Hall of the Department of Nursing, FK Undip and was attended by 180 students from class A20.1, A20.2 and class B22.

The speaker for this guest lecture was Agus Setyo Utomo, A. M.Kes, a lecturer and a health practitioner from the Health Polytechnic of the Ministry of Health of Malang. The lecture was carried out in the form of lectures, questions and answers and demonstrations of back acupressure assisted by facilitators from the back acupressure community in the Central Java region.

The organization of this guest lecture is in line with efforts of the study program to develop the scientific vision namely as a center for development of holistic nursing.