Semarang – Department of Nursing at the Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Diponegoro has recently organized a Curriculum Development Workshop based on the Key Performance Indicator (KPI) for the Bachelor of Nursing Program. The event took place on October 24-25, 2023, at Hotel Grasia, Semarang, and aimed to develop a curriculum that aligns with the evolving needs of users, the industry, and the latest government policies.

The workshop was attended by faculty members, educational staff, student representatives, alumni, as well as stakeholders from local health centers and networked hospitals. Representatives from several private educational institutions in Semarang also participated.

The main speaker for this event was Khudazi Aulawi, SKp., M.Kes, MN.Sc., Ph.D., from Gadjah Mada University (UGM). He is not only an active faculty member at UGM but also a member of the curriculum team for the Indonesian Nursing Education Association (AIPNI). During the event, he provided an in-depth presentation on developing a curriculum based on KPI in the field of nursing, helping participants understand the key principles necessary for effective curriculum development.

The workshop’s agenda also included presentations and discussions by the curriculum team of the Bachelor of Nursing program at Undip. Participants exhibited great enthusiasm for the event, which offered profound insights into curriculum development that is in line with the demands of the modern era.

It is hoped that this curriculum development workshop will serve as a vital foundation for preparing competent nursing professionals to compete nationally and internationally. Department of Nursing Undip is committed to continually organizing similar development activities to enhance the quality of nursing education in Indonesia and produce highly skilled nurses for the future. [AN]