Semarang – The Bachelor of Nursing Science Program at the Faculty of Medicine Undip organized a nursing seminar focusing on adolescent health and body mechanics on Wednesday, November 22, 2023, at the Teluk Awur Campus in Jepara.

This event was specifically designed for high school students, both public and private, in Central Java, particularly in the Jepara region. This program serves as one of Undip’s strategies to introduce the Nursing Science Program at the Jepara Campus to the public.

The seminar presented three speakers from Undip’s nursing faculty. Dr. Anggorowati, M.Kep.,Sp.Mat, one of the speakers, delivered a presentation on adolescent health, which is currently a public concern. Adolescent health refers to the physical, mental, and social well-being of individuals aged approximately 10 to 19 years. Adolescent health is a crucial issue that involves physical health aspects such as proper nutrition, adequate physical activity, and sufficient sleep. Additionally, it involves emotional support, stress management, and good mental health. Socially, adolescent health involves positive social interaction, healthy relationships with peers and family, and engagement in beneficial community activities.

In addition to mental health, the seminar also addressed body mechanics. Ns. Muhammad Rofi’i, M.Kep., a lecturer in the Basic Nursing Division at Undip, explained how body mechanics constitute a fundamental aspect essential for individual health. Body mechanics is the study of movement, force, and interaction between body parts within the context of balance and motion. It includes understanding body structure, organ function, and movement mechanisms such as joints, muscles, and the workings of other body organs.

However, there are still common mistakes that individuals in society often make. These include improper or poor body positions when sitting, standing, or engaging in activities. This can lead to problems with the spine, muscles, and joints. Another issue is the lack of warm-up and cooldown before or after physical activities or sports, which needs attention to minimize injury risks.

At the end of the seminar session, the Head of the Nursing Program, Agus Santoso, S.Kp.,M.Kep, presented the profile of Undip’s Bachelor of Nursing Science Program at the Teluk Awur Campus in Jepara. Nursing program at Undip is highly sought after by applicants at Undip. It has been accredited as “Excellent” by the Independent Accreditation Institution for Health Higher Education Institutions (LAMPT-Kes). With the support of quality faculty resources, facilities, diverse programs, and networks, Undip’s Bachelor of Nursing Science Program stands as one of the choices for high school graduates to pursue education as aspiring professional nurses. [AN]